Contour Lines
Remember on the first day of school, I said if you could hold a pencil to write your name, you could create anything?! Well, we are going to begin by learning how to draw contours, or outlines of an object.
In order to draw the contours, or outlines, we not only need to train our eyes to see the various types of lines, but we also need to train our brain and motor skills to draw what we SEE and NOT what we THINK WE SEE!
This is what we call the Right, Left Brain Battle!
You will choose one of the images provided. The image will be placed upside down the entire time and you will draw the lines as you see them. WHY? When we place an image upside down, the objects are not as recognizable, allowing our right side of the brain to focus on what we are actually seeing. Are your drawings going to come out perfect? NO! Everything we do, whether in art class or in every day life requires practice. This skill requires the 3 P's: Practice, Patience, and Persistence.
Check out the site below for more examples and information on the different types of line drawings you can make
Do Now; Contour Quiz
Copy (CTRL C) and Paste (CTRL V) this link into Google: It will bring you to the EDpuzzle video about contour lines. Watch the video and take the test for a Do Now grade. |
Contour Classwork:Assignment #1: Upside Drawing
On a clean page in your sketchbook you are going to follow the upside down drawing from Mona Brookes. Start in the upper left corner and work your way down, drawing the lines as you see them. When you work in small sections and pay close attention to the lines you are drawing and the relationship they have with each other, your brain gets tricked into drawing what it is actually seeing and not what your brain thinks something should look like. This is not a quick assignment - it takes time, patience, and effort. Worth 50 points Assignment #2: Contour Station Drawing On a clean page in your sketchbook, you are going to choose 2 of the objects provided. Divide your sketchbook page in half. Draw the outline of the objects to fill in the page. Look at the line types and the relationship with other lines. Begin adding the most important detail lines inside the object. There are examples of contour drawings below. Worth 25 points |
For this project, you are going to draw either a shoe or a hand holding an object
The object that you are drawing needs to stay in one position and your view point also needs to be the same. What do I mean by the view point? Your posture is going to affect the way you see your object. If you are slouched, it will look different than when you sit up straight. If you look at your object straight on, it will look different than when you sit on an angle. Your point of view alters, or changes your perspective. Be sure to:
Contour Line Drawing Rubric![]()
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