Inktober is a monthly drawing challenge developed by Jake Parker.
While working in the art industry, Jake felt like he was only making art for his clients and was running out of inspiration to make his own designs. Instead of giving up on his own creations, he came up with a list of words; one word per day for the entire month of October. He decided he would come up with one illustration per day based on the given word. For example, on October 12th, he would look at the 12th word on his list. If the word was RING he may draw someone proposing to their significant other, a telephone ringing, or the character coming out of the TV like in the movie, The Ring. Over the years, artists of all different skill levels have posted their drawings to social media using #Inktober. Some artists have been hired for commissions due to this art challenge, while others use the platform to meet others and enjoy each others illustrations. The purpose of Inktober is to get you to practice drawing everyday, strengthen your skills, be creative, think outside of the box, and simply, to just have fun! |
How to InktoberInktober Sketchbook Example |
Your Mission |
Teacher Examples |
You are required to complete 1 of the 31 drawing prompts by the end of the month.
It must be a large-scale drawing showing a complete idea or story using whatever style and whatever material you choose to do (fill up the entire sketchbook page). The prompt is up to you, you have 31 choices to choose from. These drawings need to be 100% ORIGINAL .... this means you cannot just go onto Google and copy someone's artwork. You may use it as inspiration but it cannot be exact! I will be checking for this and anything that is 80-100% copied will result in a failing grade! Any additional drawings that you decide to do from the Inktober prompts will count as extra credit towards your overall grade as long as you follow the guidelines/rubric. Anything additional, will also be due at the end of the month when the assignment is due. The more you do, the better at art you become, and the higher your grade can get! Rubric![]()
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